Dartcom launches new Metop-SG ready X-Band EOS System

Posted in New Products January 17th, 2023 at 10:04 am by Chris Wright

Dartcom X-Band EOS System equipment cabinet with rack-mounted PCs and KVM console installed on Oden
Dartcom X-Band EOS System equipment cabinet with rack-mount PCs and KVM console installed on Oden

Dartcom is pleased to announce the availability of its next-generation X-Band EOS System. It continues to support all existing services, and adds support for the recently launched JPSS-2 (NOAA-21) and FengYun-3E satellites.

The hardware is also ready for Metop-SG, with only a future software upgrade needed when the new services are operational. Future support for JPSS-3/4 and FengYun-3F/G/H will again need only software upgrades.

The heart of the new X-Band EOS System is a state-of-the-art demodulator supporting up to 100Msps symbol rates, plus a new modular system interface rack with programmable RF module.

All hardware components are software controlled for fully automatic operation. The demodulator has a web interface providing comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics, and firmware upgrades can easily be installed in the field.

The first production system was recently installed on the icebreaker Oden, operated by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, including antenna heating and temperature monitoring systems to handle the harsh conditions in the Arctic Ocean.

More information on the Dartcom X-Band EOS System